CEMENT PARK-100#Earth Is Also A Planet#
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水泥公园LIVE HOUSE第100期无总的主题,各个城市的策划人(很荣幸能够得到和水泥公园有着密切关系的艺术家朋友们的支持)和参与其中的艺术家做自己感兴趣的主题或不设主题;我们相信,我们,作为这次活动的“年轻人”,困惑是什么,正在关心什么,如何做?是非常重要的事情。我们也希望这是一个好的契机,全球各地的艺术家们通过这次活动相互认识,然后在未来共同努力探索更多沟通交流的方式。我们的现场会通过实地活动的发布、举办过程中的直播、活动的录播,文本等形式在活动期间和全球各地的观众一同相遇。
艺术家们面对疫情所带来的社会危机,产生的对自我价值的怀疑,对艺术无用的哀伤感叹,整体上陷入一片低沉。艺术本来就无用,这难道还需要怀疑吗,低沉的状态在举目四望忙碌奔走的身影之中,除了焦虑还能带来什么呢?说说我所知道的先锋的诗人们(虽然提到的已不再那么年轻)在疫情期间在干什么吧。小引,“小引|来自疫区武汉的消息”一篇接着一篇通过自己的公众号每日发出,联系留学生采购海外口罩。杨黎“武汉访谈”1 2 3 4 5 6 7,通过橡皮文学奖公众号接二连三的推送,“杨黎请问”(关于武汉的疑问)成了永恒的疑问!听说还有诗人们发起了线上云喝酒,畅聊鸡毛蒜皮,我想偶尔也会慷慨激昂。动动手指搜索一下“第三代诗人”的命名由来就能看出先锋背后的东西究竟是什么!前几天我对几个朋友了打了个比方,说艺术家和诗人差的不只是几步路,几十步路,简直差出一公里!今天写出来会发现,一公里都说少了!当然我再次声明,我刚刚所写的“艺术圈整体上的低沉”,我当然不是在否定那些真正在思考和行动的艺术家,一个两个三个四个五个甚至六七个,我所写的只是对整体状况的个人表述。
北京-黄文亚&张维|Beijing-Huang Wenya&Vita Zhang
艺术家|Artists:迟世林Chi Shilin 高大蔷Gao Daqiang 黄文亚Huang Wenya 陶琪Tao Qi 于铠豪Yu Caihao 渣客Zha Ke 张维Vita Zhang
艺术家|Artists:4125 Soft 绿Sei Sei Midori 吕德生LDS 司屠Si Tu 苏夏一Su Xiayi 张若水 Echo Zhang
西安-苏佰威|Xi’an-Su Baiwei
艺术家|Artists:储小龙Chu Xiaolong 陈秋歌Chen Qiuge 李小牧Li Xiaomu 苏湃Su Pai 苏佰威Su Baiwei 王盼Wang Pan 武军龙Wu Junlong 相西石Xiang Xishi
南宁-彭湘|Nan’ning-Peng Xiang
艺术家|Artists:彭湘 Peng Xiang
芝加哥-林宏佳|Chicago-Lin Hongjia
艺术家|Artists:林宏佳Lin Hongjia
武汉-潘晨农&悉尼|Wuhan-Pan Chennong&Sydney Zhao
艺术家|Artists:发发Fafa 高旭Gao Xu 柳清Liu Qing 潘晨农Pan Chennong 清沣QF 悉尼Sydney Zhao 严振韬Zhentao Yan 郑曦Zheng Xi
景德镇-伊凡|Jingdezhen-Yi Fan
艺术家|Artists:陈世友Chen Shiyou 刘凌沨Liu Lingfeng 伊凡Yi Fan 牙金华Ya Jinhua 张艺琳Zhang Yilin
米兰-周丽微|Milan-Zhou liwei
艺术家|Artists:安德里亚·马里内利Andrea Marinelli Ern(e)st/Ernesto longobardi
合肥-王存璐|Hefei-Edwarz Wang
艺术家|Artists:王存璐Edwarz Wang
重庆-邓上东|Chongqing-Deng Shangdong
艺术家|Artists:邓上东Deng Shangdong 刘陈Liu Chen 李锐Li Rui 李静月Li Jingyue 王向东Wang Xiangdong 尹瑞林Yin Ruilin 杨景Yang Jing 张东闲Zhang Dongxian 想的小王
清水恵み(美) Megumi
Shimizu 宮古島
ニャンキイザビーチ/Nyankee, the Beach/喵星人海滩
ちびガッツ/Chibi Guts/(Little Guts)
村上 裕 Hiroshi Murakami
靳 彤/T3 KiZ/キントウ
丁思源 Siyuan Ding
S Elliot Perez/S・エリオット・ペレス/S埃利奥特佩雷斯
伦敦-文雯|London-Hellwood Wen
艺术家|Artists:Asch Duet Frequency.Fixer Mango Dogwood Simone Donadni Hellwood Wen Moormur
楚雄-黎之阳|Chu Xiong-Li Zhiyang
艺术家|Artists:郭存艳 Guo cunyan 和丽斌 He Libin 雷文浩 Lei wenhao 刘傲 Liu ao 刘辉 Liu hui 罗文涛 Luo wentao 唐维晨 Tang weichen 武景明 Wu jingming 袁戴雄康 Yuan daixiongkang 杨辉 Yang hui
太原-最高|Taiyuan-Highest Zhang
艺术家|Artists:段永军 Duan Yongjun 高瑜Gao Yu 胡新宇Hu Xinyu 沙躍飞Sha Yuefei 王蹿Wang Cuan 最高(张昭昊)Hights2.0
南京-Bill Aitchison&高书艺|Nanjing-Bill Aitchison&Tender
艺术家|Artists:Bill Aitchison Nik 高书艺Tender 林映池 Lin Yingchi 暖先生 Mr.Nuan 袁帅Yuan Shuai
杭州-嗨烦|Hangzhou-Hai Fan
艺术家|Artists:嗨烦Hai Fan 姚纯纯Yao Chunchun 郑钲羲Zheng Zhengxi
纽约-刘璇|New York-Liu Xuan
艺术家|Artists:Alyssa Cokinis Sam Gelfand Napsugar Hegedus 刘璇Liu Xuan
水泥公园LIVE HOUSE自2017年由SOWERART搜我艺术发起,一般每周开放一期,主要关注行为、表演、剧场、声音等,以多元形式呈现场域的公共营造,探索自由、即兴、实验的艺术实践。2017-2019年的项目主要在搜我空间实施,2020年开始水泥公园LIVE HOUSE将与各类空间、项目及个人开展广泛的合作,以游牧式的状态保持行进。
Since 2017 SOWERART has hosted a weekly Cement Park LIVE HOUSE art encounter. Mainly focusing on action-based art, performance, theatre, sound-art, etc, and multi-facets of art performance constructed in a public setting, exploring an artistic practice rooted in freedom, improvisation and experimentation. The projects 2017-2019 were for the most part realized in the Sower Art space, 2020 Cement Park LIVE HOUSE will be held in various settings. The project stems from individuals launching expansive cooperative projects, following a nomadic style and continuous progress.
There is no general theme in the 100th event of Cement Park Live House. Planners of various cities (I feel honored to be supported by artists who are closely related to the cement Park) and the artists who participate in the activity do their own topics with interests or set up no themes. We believe that for us, the "young people" of this activity, what we’re confused about, what we concern and how we do it, are some very important matters. We also hope that this is a good opportunity for artists from all over the world to get to know each other through this activity, and then work together to explore more ways of communication in the future. Through the holding of on-the-spot activities, live broadcast, recordings of the activities, and texts, we will meet audiences from all over the world during the event.
This event will take place as the global pandemic is spreading out of control. In other words, at this moment everybody has no choice but to face their struggles alone. The continuous and controllability spread of the virus forces everyone to deeply ponder about the future and afresh imagine.
Faced with the social crisis brought about by the 2019-nCoV, the artists have doubts about their self-worth and lament the futility of art. It leads to a generally gloomy state of the art circle. Art is useless originally. Does it need to be doubted? What can be brought about by the gloomy state in the busy and bustling figure except for anxiety? I would like to talk about what I know of avant-garde Poets (though they are no longer so young) doing during the outbreak. A message from Wuhan, written by Xiao Yin, was posted day by day through his own official account in order to contact overseas students to purchase overseas masks. One after another, Yang Li's interview with Wuhan, 1234567, was repeatedly posted by the official account of the rubber literature award. "Yang Li’s questions" (questions about Wuhan) became an eternal question. It is said that some poets have launched online cloud drinking and chatting meetings about trivial matters, which I think may be impassioned sometimes. Move your fingers to search for the origin of the name of the "third generation poet", and you can see what is behind the vanguard! A few days ago, I made an analogy to a few friends, saying that the difference between artists and poets is not only a few steps, or dozens of steps, it is almost one kilometer away! As I’m writing at the moment, I find out that one kilometer is far too less than it should be! Of course, I would like to state once again that the gloomy state that I have just written is a general situation. Of course, I am not denying those artists who are really thinking and acting, one, two, three, four, five or even six or seven. What I have written is just the personal expression of the general situation.
It seems that art plays an irreplaceable role in the society with the help of the prosperous market and the rapid propaganda media. Artists of the "self-entertaining" style may feel embarrassed under the clear sky at a certain moment. In the past half a year, with the sharp reduction of exhibitions in the art market, those familiar international exchanges were forced to be interrupted, and all the previous plans lost the chance to be carried out, even small parties near the cities, is facing resistance. The exploration of online display is forced to emerge but at the same time active. Tension and excitement are inevitable. However, in the face of the crisis, the earth's rotation has not slowed down, and people's pace of solving practical problems seems to be more agile and rapid than before. We can't help thinking, does society really need so many exhibitions?
In the past one, two or three years, globalization has become the selling point of major galleries. The economic chain of globalization is becoming more and more obvious like the trace of an airplane flying over the arc-shaped sky of the earth. Exhibitions, international art projects, and famous artists are undoubtedly the "bright pearls" in this hidden economic chain! Art brings unprecedented halo to art practitioners in the global economic chain. Now, we think of Apichatpong's response to Jia Zhangke’s letter that people has learnt the art of watching during the epidemic; next, some obscure "slow film" directors will have a surge in box office. Since then, these new groups (who has experienced and experiencing the epidemic) as movie viewers will even feel that "slow movies" is going too fast. They’ll march on the streets to protest, shouting, "we need a movie without anything! The novel coronavirus pneumonia film Manifesto (CCM) will be drafted: the creation of the directors concerns only and reaches only the audiences enlightened. We believe that the arrival of the epidemic has not affected some previously unknown artists. On the contrary, the roads for them have become clearer and clearer, broader and broader! They will always keep in awe of and keep calm about "art", because they understand that "Art" is the unremitting understanding and doing of the word "art" in their lifetime. Like the stranger in one of the squares of Florence who went straight to Dante and asked, "what's the best thing in the world?" Dante blurted out: "eggs.". The stranger nodded and walked out of the square. A few years later, he went again to Dante and continued the conversation of several years ago: "so, how to cook?
时间 | Time:28-30/8/2020
策展团队|Team of Curators:
吕德生LDS 王存璐Edwarz Wang 老蔡 Lao Cai
Local Spaces And Time
Address:Simulacra Studio, 241-8 Chaochangdi, Chaoyang, Beijing, China
Address:Intersection of Sichen Highway and SitongRoad, Songjiang District, Shanghai
Address:Xi'an, Ban Po International Art District B1-29,Xiang Xishi Center For Contemporary Art
Address:Jin Gallery, No.11 Guiya Road, ASEAN CBD,Nanning,China
芝加哥-Chicago|线下不开放参观|Online Only
Address:Floor 1 Room 101 #8 No.88 Youkeyuan Road,Hongshan District, Wuhan,China
联系人|Contact:潘晨农Pan Chennong、龚豪 Gong Hao
微信|WeChat:panchennong gonghao969
Address:The old factory of porcelain, Xiayao Road, Zhushan, Jingdezhen, China
米兰-Milan|线下不开放参观|Online Only
直播| 意⼤利时间 17:00-18:00/08/28/2020
北京时间 23:00-24:00/08/28/2020
Live| GMT+2 Italy 17:00-18:00/08/28/2020
Beijing Time 23:00点-24:00/08/28/2020
直播| 意⼤利时间 14:00-15:00/08/28/2020
Live| GMT+2 Italy 14:00-15:00/08/28/2020
Beijing Time 18:00-19:00/08/28/2020
合肥-Hefei|线下不开放参观|Online Only
Address:Dalan Reservoir, Bishan District, Chongqing
预约联系电话|Contact:15215170379 邓上东Deng Shangdong
地址:デカバーS / DecaBarS
東京都新宿区歌舞伎町1-9-8ASAHIビルB1階 Deca Bar S
东京都歌舞伎町1-9-8 ASAHI大楼负一层 Deca Bar S
Address:Deca Bar S, B1, Asahi Building, 1-9-8 Kabukicho, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan
(3min. from Shinjuku Station)
票价:一般 1500日元 场地VIP 500日元
General Ticket:1500YEN VIP Ticket: 500YEN
Address:Ridley Road Social Club. First floor, 89 Ridley Rd, Dalston,
London E8 2NH.
楚雄-Chu Xiong 20:00-22:30/08/28/2020
Address:Yunye Art Museum (B4-1, Phase 3, Xingsujiayuan, Yi Ancient Town, Chuxiong City)
太原-Taiyuan 19:00-22:00 08/30/2020
Address:Taiyuan Jiadi Garden Alkali Space
里斯本-Portugal|线下不开放参观 Online Only
20:00-21:30/08/29/2020 地址: 江苏省南京市鼓楼区牯岭路 7-1号
Address:7-1 Guling Road,Gulou District,Nanjing,Jiangsu
21:30-00:00/08/29/2020 地址: 南京旋子巷33号,南京美院
Address:33,Nanjing Xuanzixiang,NANKING BEAUTIFUL COURTYARD
杭州-Hangzhou|线下不开放参观|Online Only 2020/8/30 15:30-20:00
会议 ID:499 150 868
纽约-New York|线下不开放参观|Online Only
唐山-Tangshan 19:00-22:00 08/30/2020
苏州-Suzhou 19:00-22:00 08/30/2020